Study Hacks To Reduce Stress And Improve Your Memory


Stress is a core enemy that stops a person from performing better at anything. It is not possible to think straight by stressing. Once you learn to control your stress, you will be excel at any work, as without stress you will be able to utilize your mind properly. Stress leads to migraine, insomnia and your productivity will decrease as well. Due to the increased stress level, you will feel tired, pain in your chest, the muscle will be tensed, upset stomach, loss of focus, you will get angry easily, depressed, frustrated and which might lead you to take alcohol or drugs.

In this article, I have listed down 21 points to relief your stress and be productive. My personal stress buster’s tips are the 18th point.


Work out

Working out helps to reduce the level of stress. People who work out regularly stress less than regular people who do not work out. Working out helps you to reduce stress hormones, improves your sleep pattern and boost up your confidence as well. Benefits of working out are listed down below;

  • Working out releases endorphins, which releases when your brain feels good.
  • As you will be moving your body a lot, your tensed muscle will relax and you will feel relaxed and less agitated
  • You will feel better; your mode will be lifted up. As working out reduces stress, depression, anxiety and your mode swing will be reduced as well.


Connect with people

Meeting new people is important as this reduces stress. By bonding with them, you will get mental support, which boosts up your confidence. Socializing keeps, you busy and you will not have any time to stress about anything.

As you will be connecting with people, it will balance your hormone levels. Among spike in your hormone level, Oxytocin will be released, which reduces your stress level and calms down your nervous system. Socializing reduces anxiety level, you will feel confident, lifts up your mode and you will get to perform better at anything that will be assigned to you.


Spend some me time

Spend some time on your own. Explore yourself, know yourself better. Do your little favorite things that you like such as reading books, eating something you like, cooking, visit saloon to pamper yourself, sit beside a river, meditate, write a gratitude journal. These tips will reduce your stress level and you will feel relaxed.


Challenge yourself

Challenge yourself by setting some goals. You can either learn a new language, learn a new sport, learn painting, learn to sing. By challenging yourself, you will be busy and you will not get much time to stress out about anything.


Cut down alcohol, smoking, caffeine

Cut down alcohol, smoking, caffeine as it will increase your anxiety. Caffeine increases your pressure and if you are stressed it will stress you even more. Alcohol and smoking are not good for your health at all. As it is hazardous for your health, this increases your stress level as well. So, avoid anything that is hazardous for your health.


Help others

Helping others will keep yourself busy and you would not get time to stress about anything. When you will help someone, who is in much worse condition than yours, you will get to see your problem from a different perspective and it will help you to reduce your stress level. Do some volunteer work to keep yourself busy.


Be positive

Try to be positive rather than stressing out every single time. Make a grateful list. List down all the good things that happened to you every day. You will realize you are having a good life and you will get to see your life from a different perspective and you will end up reducing your stress level and perform better.


Take deep breaths

Deep breathing reduces stress level. As stress always prepares your body fight or flight mode and sudden adrenaline rush makes you uneasy. To take proper deep breaths to follow the steps below;

  • Place your right hand on the chest
  • Place your left hand on your belly
  • Take breaths (Inhale) from your nose
  • Feel the way air enters your nose to your lungs
  • Your belly will rise higher than the chest (check the movement of your hands)
  • Slowly breath out (exhale) through your mouth
  • Repeat it 2-3 times

This will reduce your heart rate and you will feel relaxed. Once you are relaxed, you can perform well at any tasks assigned to you.


Accept the things you can’t change

There are certain things in life that cannot be altered at any cost, so you should stop stressing. Such as your company is going through some financial crisis that your salary is being delayed every month, do not stress about it rather think that it’s only for a short duration and you would not be able to change much, so accept it the way it is.



My meditation you will bring a halt to your stress and you will be able to practice mindfulness and be at peace with yourself. There are several types of meditation, you can just google it and choose the one that will benefit you. You can also use your senses by looking around your surroundings to reduce your stress level as well and to relax.


Enjoy mindfulness

Mindfulness is key to your success. Try to enjoy every moment by living your present rather than being worried about the past and future. For example, when you are having a cup of coffee trying to enjoy every drop of it, smell the coffee, while you are drinking it feels the warmth of the coffee and the way it goes down your food pipe, enjoy every bit of the coffee rather than just sipping it down.


Observe things around you

Observe things around you, look around see how a person is walking. Try to smell your surroundings, the type of smell you can identify. The colors you can see around, observe every little detail from a person shirt color to the little nitty gritty you can see around you. Feel the surrounding around your make use of all of your senses.


PMR (Progressive Muscle Relaxation) Exercise

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercise includes relaxes your body muscles. To perform the PMR exercise properly follow the steps below;

  • Sit on a chair
  • Bend down a bit in-front
  • Grip your knees
  • With all your energy grip your knees and push the floor downward with all your strength using your palm of your feet
  • Be in this position at least for 30 seconds and relax
  • Repeat it two to three times

As your muscles get relaxed your stress, the migraine will reduce as well and you will get to perform better.


Take Supplements

Supplements are indeed necessary to boost you up and reduce your stress level. Take the following supplements to reduce your stress level;

  • Lemon balm
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Green tea
  • Valerian
  • Kava Kava
  • Vitamins

You might be allergic to some of the supplements, so consult your doctor beforehand.


Light Scented candles

Candles infused with essential oil helps to reduce stress and relax oneself. The following scents help to calm down;

  • Lavender: Lavender’s fragrance reduces stress and anxiety by lowering down blood pressure and heartbeat. It also helps to calm down your nervous system, reduces restlessness and minimizes insomnia.
  • Rose: Rose essential oil is extracted from its petal. The fragrance of rose reduces headaches, balances hormone level and controls the level of your emotion.
  • Ylang ylang: This oil is extracted from the Cananga tree. The fragrance of Ylang Ylang gives comfort and happiness by reducing heart rate, uplifting your mood and relaxes you.
  • Bergamot: This oil is extracted from the skin of scented citrus fruits. Bergamot works as an antidepressant, improves blood circulation, balances the level of hormone and improves the digestive system.
  • Melissa: Melissa is also known as lemon balm. This essential oil helps to calm down the mind, improves immunity system as well as your nervous system.

Besides lavender, rose, ylang ylang, bergamot and Melissa the following scents can also be used to reduce stress;

  • Vetiver
  • Roman chamomile
  • Neroli
  • Frankincense
  • Sandalwood
  • Orange or orange blossom
  • Geranium
  • German Chamomile
  • Jasmine
  • Basil
  • Clary Sage
  • Lemongrass
  • Yuzu
  • Orange


Write down things that bother your

Maintain a diary to write down things that really bother you can just not get it off your mind. Jotting it down will help you to relive your stress and be at peace within yourself and reduces your stress level as well.


Chew Gum

Chewing gum helps to lower your stress level. As chewing gum releases brain waves similar to those people who stay at a relaxed level. Chewing gum also allows for blood flow towards your brain, so as the more blood flows it carries more oxygen.


Laugh a lot

Try to laugh a lot. As laughing reduces stress level. Laughing helps to relieve your response of stress and it also helps to relax your muscles. This will improve your mood as well as your immune system. Try to hang out with your friends or watch a comedy show or any show that makes you laugh really hard.


Learn to say No

You should learn to say no rather taking everything on yourself. Do not pressurize yourself by handling so man things at once, which can be shared among others to reduce the effect of the stress on your own. Let it be something at your workplace or your daily life just break down the tasks and share it among others or if it can be done on other days then just do it accordingly.


Learn to Avoid Procrastination

To avoid stress, you should set your priorities accordingly and avoid procrastination. Procrastination makes you react a lot and you will end up trying to really hard to catch up with everything which is leading towards it. Make a list for your tasks, set the priorities accordingly, make a deadline and try to reach the deadline according to the list you have created.

Chunking down your work will put less pressure on you and you will stress less. You do not have to do everything at once which can be done some other day as well. Relax a bit, pat on yourself on your back for the task you have completed for today on your to-do list.


Listen to Soothing Music

Music is one of the key tools to reduce your stress level. As music has a greater effect on both your mind and body. Try to listen to piano sounds, Chinese instrumental music, natural sound, the sound of a violin or any sounds that will relax your mind. So, do not feel pressurized to select the music that I have just mentioned, you might have your own choice of music to listen to those to calm yourself and feel relaxed.


In this article, we have discussed the 21 tips to keep yourself stress-free and excel yourself at any work assigned to you. To reduce your stress level you should work out, socialize, spend some me time, challenge yourself to learn something new, cut down alcohol, smoking, and caffeine and this increases the level of your stress rather than reducing it. Try to help others, take deep breath, accept the things that cannot be changed in your life, try to meditate, observer every little things around you by using all your senses, perform Progressive Muscle Relaxation exercise, take supplements with your meal, light scented candles, maintain a diary by writing down every little things that keeps on bothering you, chew gum to increase blood flow to your brain, laugh a lot by doing the things that makes you laugh so hard that tears roll down your face, learn to say No rather than taking every little task on your shoulder which can be easily shared by others to complete it, learn to avoid procrastination and definitely listen to music that calms you down. Once, you learn to reduce the stress level by the techniques that are mentioned above, you will feel a way more relaxed than you could expect and work easily by using the full concentration of yours and that is what you are looking for, don’t you?

I hope this article has motivated you to reduce your stress and perform better at anything that is assigned to you. Do not forget to share your feedback or any queries regarding this article, we are here to listen.

Picture of Hannah V. Rucker

Hannah V. Rucker

Hannah used to work in the AML field in a financial organization. She's now an agent in CAMS EXAM in examination team. Consolidating and reviewing CAMS EXAM questions bank and study materials.